Monday, March 8, 2010


Since I'm sort of retired, I have more time to watch TV, an activity I used to scorn. None of that couch sitting, time wasting stuff for me. After all, we don't want to turn into real live Fahrenheit 451 characters, do we? BUT. . .yesterday was an exaggerated exception. I managed to watch The Hurt Locker, The Academy Awards, a Trailblazer game and The Barbara Walters Special almost all at once. It only took one movie order, one program DVRed, and one channel switching process. Don't get me wrong; I'm not proud of this but I was visually entertained for several hours even if my rear end and lower back did get cranky.
I just came from tutoring a student who is finishing up a paper on the subject of greed in The Little Foxes and Uncle Vanya. My thinking skills seem to be in tact

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I'm still working, still a tv snob...but maybe I have some watching in my someday future, too. :)
