Sunday, May 15, 2011

Almost Lost

Sometimes I feel as if I am swirling faster and faster and getting close to a mean vortex of watery cyberspace. I'm rather comfortable with this blog, but facebook and the construction of my website sometimes leave me feeling as if I'm floating aimlessly on a tiny raft in the middle of the Willamette River during this Spring Chinook season. Fairly regularly, I bump into a boat on the hog line and the crew gives me a push in the right direction. But occasionally I have to paddle anxiously to get out of the way of a seal lion determined to steal a salmon. Will I ever make it to the place where I can successfully spawn a spot in the complex social network?
I can't locate my domain name since I let it expire. I know it's out there; Cyberspace lets me know. But I can't have it back until I contact so and so with this and that number and piece of information. So that push to the raft gets me nowhere. I can't navigate around my website without Kelly and Sarah's help so I'll just paddle around until they wash up. Facebook does not offer the island of contacts that I looked forward to. Everyone assumes that I know how to use it with ease and precision. To borrow another metaphor, it would be like taking a typing class in the 50's or 60's without really knowing what a typewriter is. People just assume that I know things that I don't know and they tell me every time that " It's easy. You just. . .". Right. Now pardon me while I try to build a better raft out of the jetsam and flotsam all around me.


  1. Oh, Teri, I'm sorry. I hate the feeling of trying to read directions and not being able to follow them because I don't "get" the basic assumptions behind the instructions. Sounds like you're in a similar place. DO keep trying to google for more information by asking questions. Even really basic ones. I've been able to figure out some things that way...

  2. Oops - I misspelled your name. Sorry! Terry. :)

  3. Don't forget that you are an excellent swimmer. Just breathe and float for a while. You will get where you need to go...even if you just let the current take you there. Loves,
