So what's the attraction? I sort of know where it is-east of Italy across a large body of water on the Dalmatian coast. My friend Nancy told me that so I can visualize its location. She was there just last month. And my friend Kristi has cruised along the coast as well. They both say it is beautiful and inviting so I googled it to make sure of the location and to see some photos. The water world of this country is indeed gorgeous. And I read about some terrific things to see and do in Zagreb. But it's a little weird that the number one attraction posted on one site is a cemetery. But reading further, I learned that the cemetery is rich with historic and important art.
I also noticed that I can get a round trip airline ticket for just about a thousand dollars. So air travel for both of us would be about $2000.00. Then we'd have to pay for the trip to the cemetery and all the meals we'd eat in Zagreb and I don't even know what the food is like. I'd certainly want to do at least a one or two day cruise to enjoy the coastline with a couple of nice stops at points of interest. And then maybe we could catch a cruise ship and float around to some other places that I might be a little more familiar with.
Guess what? We're going to take the train to Seattle with friends and we'll goof around there for a few days. After a little rest back home, we'll take off for Central Oregon for some fun in the sun. August will find us at the Coast a time or two for some beach walking and chowder eating. None of this is as exciting or as exotic as Croatia, but we'll have a good time.
If it were me, I'd choose the trip you ARE taking. Have fun! Looking forward to pictures and posts. We're heading out in a couple of weeks for a l-o-n-g crosscountry trip to visit kids and grandkids. They are strung out all the way to Ohio and Kansas now.