Lucky Thirteenth

Check this out! Today was my lucky owl day. I just felt right in my bones this morning that I would see this Western Screech Owl. Traffic was good, there were only a few people at the refuge and there was no one on the trail until my return. I did spot squirrels and chipmunks and walked right through a flock of Canada geese without disturbing them one bit. That seemed like a good omen. The forested area was deserted and I found myself slowing my steps as I approached the tree but VOILA! there it was! I held my breath as my shaking fingers readied the camera. He let me take as many pictures as I wanted and only opened one eye for a quick glance before going back to sleep. I was walking at least six inches above the trail on the way back. What a thrill! New score= Owls 13 and Owlers 4. (The camera date is wrong. I forgot to readjust it. Darn.)
Woo hoo! (haha - no pun intended...)