Thursday, December 24, 2009

These Winter Days

No matter what your belief system dictates about today and tomorrow, things just look different today. Unless you're a kid, you have to take an extra few seconds to figure out what day it is when you wake up. I noticed on my early morning walk that people are up and about doing things in their homes that necessitate different rooms being lit up early and that many have turned on their Christmas lights already. Decorations look fresh and festive but I know that Saturday they will look redundant and out of place as we begin to wane from the Season. This is the next to last day when I can get away with eating a homemade peanut butter chocolate at nine in the morning and won't find bits of ribbon in odd corners. The Santa collection still looks fun and jolly. The drive to my sister's will be magical and lit with reds and greens that suggest the holiday spirit rather than to serve as directionals. The sky will have a special light at times even if it rains all day. We will laugh and smile and feel the warmth of this special day and be grateful for all that we have received today and throughout the last year. Merry Christmas to all and sundry who have in some way visited Owl Grove this year!

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