Tuesday, January 19, 2010

By the Time I Get to Phoenix

Pat and I just returned from a trip to the sun, the blue sky and warm air all wrapped around Montezuma's Castle, the red of Sedona, the amazing historical sights of Jerome and unforgettable vegetation. I fell in love with the cacti, especially the saguaro. They are everywhere and they look like motionless desert inhabitants. History can't say what happened to some of the tribes of long ago such as the Sinagua who lived in the cliff dwelling at Montezuma's castle, but I say they are all alive and patrolling the land in the form of these stately growths that thrive in the desert. The Desert Botanical gardens in Phoenix pay tribute to all manner of these hot weather wonders as well they should.
Combine all that with time spent in the excellent company of who is probably my oldest friend left alive, and I say it was a trip of a lifetime. What a joy to spend time with this kind, generous and full of personality friend in the gorgeous setting of her home. Her husband Irvin is absolutely the host with the most. The best two cacti in the desert are there in honor of these two wonderful people.
And, yes, there are owls in Arizona. The native people obviously had high regard for them as they show up in their art work everywhere. And I had to look twice at the several owls I saw on, of all places, TV antennae. So the elders of the modern retired tribe have reverence for them as well. But the owls weren't real. They were just used as odd ways to adorn the otherwise ugly spires of TV land.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Secret Messages from North to South

Sarah and Kelly: Any sign of the sun yet?
Mary Mac: This is YOUR year! You won't believe it!
Peg: Don't forget your knitting next month.
Tracie, DeAnn, and Lisa: Are you counting the days?
Brian: Sorry. Sports do not rule.
Ashley: Super invitations!
Amy Lou: Don't get sick.
Sheila: Time to choose a date to create the site.
Kathy H: I miss your comments.
KW: Have you started (or finished) the February project?
IW: You're still the Queen of us all.
Bobo: Baby your voice.
Lee and Sarah: The Glock has awfully good fondue.
John: You were right. I lost your card and it's time to think about dates to wander in your wilderness.
Susan: I want to hear about the grandboy.
Jill and Steven: How was Christmas?
Irvin and Cheryl: See you Thursday!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I'm not about to fool myself with New Year's Resolutions this year. I'm especially not going to make any promises about my aging body which is moving lower to the floor and sagging more almost weekly. No amount of stringent dieting seems to keep it from this strange movement that is never discussed in women's magazines.
I can't do too awful much about my skin either. The sight of my own back is scary with its new spots, lines and funny little lumps. I might visit the dermatologist to get rid of some annoying growths that periodically cause me to adjust my clothing in unbecoming ways, but that's it. No expensive creams or lotions for me.
Anything that older women do to their faces that involves going to fancy doctors is not an option I choose. I want my face to go out the way it came in-natural and untouched. Same goes for my hair which is now snowy white and which I find that I rather like.
Those little veins that have appeared here and there on my legs are a nice purple color. The batwings on my upper arms aren't all that bad and I'm not wearing orthopedic shoes yet. I do confess, however, to wearing comfortable, low shoes and I think about how much I walk rather carefully these days. And so what if I have to clothes shop at speciality stores so I can get a decent fit?
I am what I am. I resolve to TRY to make good eating choices, get some exercise regularly and stand up straighter than I used to. That's it.