Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Owl at One Year

This gorgeous weather reminds me that Bobbie and I are coming up on a year since we started the owl adventure. And, my, that adventure has taken us from the excitement of discovering the owl to the book writing and then to all the venues we've been to market the story. Just recently, I spoke to the Lutheran Educators Winter Conference and Bobbie and I created an exhibit to share at the Literacy Conference in Salem. That same day she did several book talks so the owl covered lots of ground that day. We still have books to sell and events to manage and we look forward to all the interesting people still to meet. If you haven't read the book, we still have lots to sell. Just post a comment and I can send you one or you can order one through


  1. Happy Birthday, baby owl! I hope all is well in the grove.

  2. Wow that was a fast year! You need to add an owl button that will link people to buy your book! Do you have a pic of the cover of your book? And a summary content of the book? Let me know and I will add to my blog. Love ya!
