Friday, June 25, 2010


My nephew refers to social networking sites as "Spacebook" which brings "LOL" to family members. (Did I use that texting acronym correctly?) These first two sentences give all readers the level of my knowledge about this area of technology. Actually, these first two sentences tell a lot about my level of knowledge about ALL areas of technology. And that's okay by me. I'm pretty much at peace with myself about what I don't know. I really think that if I know too much more, I'll just use up more of my good life moments in front of the flat screen which is exactly what I don't want to do. I have way too much real life to live.

But here's what I really would like to know about social networking and it has to do with something I learned from the aforementioned family members just yesterday. They told us about a major piece of family news that involves another family member whose life has become explosively controversial over the years. And they learned the news on "Facebook." My question and what I want to know: Why do people feel so comfortable posting intimate bits of personal knowledge for all the whole world to see? Why don't they call, or even better, visit the pertinent people who will be affected by the big news and tell them in person? What is happening to face to face communication? Is it easier to just spit out all your personal life problems all over the keyboard and thus onto all the flatscreens of everyone you know? And is nothing sacred anymore? Managing the ego's need for recognition for a large on-screen audience seems like one is answering all of Dr. Phil's questions even before being asked on to the show.

But then notice how often I blog. . . .


  1. I agree Terry - I think there are some strange boundaries around social networking sites. I have seen it in my own family, too. I love blogging, but I don't want to do Facebook.

  2. Your cracking me up...Love to read your blog!

  3. I absolutely agree! I found some old high school friends on Facebook, but that appears to be the only real purpose for me. Once I connected, I switched to email or the old fashioned phone call. :) The phenomena you write about is part of the reason I get so frustrated with this new generation. Their interpersonal skills are atrocious. It makes me sad.
