Sunday, June 30, 2019


Of all the holidays, the Fourth of July is my least favorite. First of all, do you call it the Fourth of July with capital letters or is it really the 4th of July? I could google it but I think I'll wait to finish this blog and then decide for myself what works the best for me.

The Fourth means NOISE and lots of it. Around here, most of the revelers cross the state line and go into Vancouver to purchase their arsenals and bring them home in the backs of their pick-ups next to the cases of beer. Then they spend the afternoon building platforms to hold the giant firecrackers or m-80s or whatever they're called. After the barbecue is over, the little kids are allowed to twirl around their sparklers and other "safe" fireworks before the Big Bangs begin.

This is when the BIG NOISE starts. My husband and I like to go to bed around nine o'clock for some reading time but find this nearly impossible for all the whizzing, whirling and huge bangs going off.  We've usually just come home from the party our  friends throw and are no longer interested in even thinking about the watermelon or strawberry shortcake that is served before the "show" starts. We just want our bed and our books.
My husband over worries about stray firecrackers landing somewhere on our property and starting a fire. (I actually think this is a ridiculous worry but I don't say anything about it.)

And then most of the neighbors stay up late enjoying the beer they bought earlier and loudly calling out patriotic greetings to one another.  It isn't until somewhere between ten and eleven that things start to quiet down when we can begin thinking about turning out the lights and settling in for the night.

I'm the one who worries about the pets who have been cowering under the dining room table or sent to an unfamiliar friend's house to ride out the fun together.  Their dog chooses to cower under the friends' bed so the dogs don't even take a chance on comforting each other.

The Fourth of July is a fun day even for us but it can be dangerous.  There are always a few who blow off fingers or otherwise stupidly hurt themselves. The only other time this happens is on Thanksgiving  when some poor cook burns her hand, arm or fingers taking the enormous turkey out of the oven.

So Happy Fourth of July! And I do mean that sincerely.  Just BE CAREFUL! Oh. And by the way, I prefer to call it the Fourth of July and not the 4th. 

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