Monday, April 18, 2011

Check It Out

I sort of learned how to set up a link. I'll try to work with it to make it more visually friendly. Click on it and take a peek at the draft of my website which is in its infant stage. There's a lot I don't know and some things I don't want to know. I'm working on that link thing and I need to figure out how to rearrange the homepage so that I get some text on the right hand side. Give me some help if you feel like it. I'd love that.


  1. Oh Terry! I wish I were there to help! I am impressed by your "Techy-ness" and followed your link! Congratulations! Mr. Edwards is bored to tears most days and if you send him your login/administrative password to the site and what you want done...I know he'd be able to help! Loves to you!

  2. Well, I don't know all that much about web design and most of what I know is for blogger, but if there's anything I can do, let me know. My mom gave us your owl book a year or two ago and the kids enjoy it.

  3. Yes, the link works! I am excited for the progress of the new book. Pikas fascinate me.
